The best way to work from home

Posted on 14 April 2020

During these tough times it is essential that people are working from home and sticking to the important guidelines set in place to help lower the time of the current strict restrictions. However, we understand that it may be challenging to work from home and manage to change your usual work schedule and routine.


We have come up with a couple of tips that can help you and guide you through these times managing working from home.

1. Get started early.

When working in an office, your morning commute can help you wake up and feel ready to work by the time you get to your desk. At home, however, the transition from your pillow to your computer can be much more difficult. One way to work from home productively is to dive into your to-do list as soon as you wake up. Simply getting a project started first thing in the morning can be the key to making progress on it gradually throughout the day.

2. Pretend like you are going into the office.

The mental association you make between work and an office can make you more productive. When working from home, do all the things you’d do to prepare for an office role: Set your alarm, make coffee, and wear nice clothes.

3. Structure your day like you would in the office.

When working from home, you’re your own personal manager. Without things like an in-person meeting schedule to break up your day, you can be quick to lose focus. To stay on schedule, segment what you’ll do and when over the course of the day.

4. Choose a dedicated work space.

Just because you’re not working at an office doesn’t mean you can’t, well, have an office. Rather than cooping yourself up in your room or on the couch; spaces that are associated with leisure time. You should dedicate a specific room or surface in your home to work.


5. Make it harder for yourself to mess around on social media.

Social media is designed to make it easy for you to open and browse quickly. At work, though, this convenience can be the detriment of your productivity. To maintain productivity and ensure you do not get distracted with social media, make you are not tempted to go onto your phone and remove these platforms from your browser.


Hopefully, these tips above will help you to keep focus on work you need to complete, while working from home. These tips can give you a structure to your day and help you create a new routine while working from home.


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