How We Help Dss

Posted on 2 March 2020

DSS, is also known as the Department of Social Security. This is a government department which was designed to be responsible for benefit payments, to those owed benefits.

A lot of landlords or estate agents may decide not to accept housing a tenant on DSS, this is not for any discriminate reasoning, it is simply because they are worried they may not be able to keep up with the rent payment due to low incomes. However lots of landlords will also accept tenants on DSS, so if you are looking for a property and worried you may not be accepted because you are currently on DSS, do not worry! There will be many landlords out there who will happily accept.

For landlords, If you’re worried about your insurance position when it comes to DSS tenants, you should note that most insurers now cover rental agreements made with such tenants as standard. You should not worry too much, because it is almost guaranteed that you will receive your money back as they get a lot of help from the council.

If not, then there will be a recourse paid to you if the rent isn’t completely sent. So there is a very, very small chance of you losing money from accepting DSS tenants. Ourself, we have moved in many DSS tenants and have never had problem.

So, if you are a DSS tenant looking for a property, why look anywhere else? Help us help you find your perfect home in your property journey. Contact us at the details below:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 01293 278312

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