Checking Your Tenant’s Right To Rent.

Posted on 25 February 2020

As a landlord, before you move anyone into the property that you own, you must check that either the tenant or lodger you are moving in. You will need to check every adult (18+) even if they are not named on the tenancy agreement, even if there is no tenancy agreement in place, and finally if the tenancy agreement is not in writing.

The way to check if the tenant has a right to rent, is by checking with the government home office if the tenant is a Commonwealth Citizen and has all the correct documents. Even if the tenant doesn’t have all of the right documents, there still maybe a chance of them being able to rent properties. So make sure that you check this out beforehand. However, make sure that you check every single one of the tenants because it is against the law to discriminate against anyone you may feel might not be a British citizen, and you will may get investigated for it.

However, there are some properties/types of housing that tenants do not need to be checked for. And they are social housing, a care home, hospice or hospital, a hostel or refuge, a mobile home and a student accommodation.

If you are looking to move any new tenants in, make sure to follow the steps provided in this blog, and if you require any extra assistance then please email or phone us, through the details provided below:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 01293 278312

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